stay cool u r not alone dear

sometimes we may say that we are alone in the world...maybe we have no friend to befriend with or maybe we have no companion to accompany us along our journey,,,ahhh that's ridiculous reason la need to rely or depending on to a person called friend all the time..sometimes we have to be independent kan???same goes to one of my beloved character name nurdict..nurdict nie slaluu rase dier la sensorang dlm dunie stp kali dier suarakan ap yg ad dlm aty dier kat mom dier,mom dier slaluu mara dier tau...but not in fierce face la...coz it's kinda motivation...bkn per,,,mgkn mom dier mcm da pnt ngn rungutan yg mcm tuh kan..but as a mother,she must listen to what her child wanna to say kan??so mom dier dga la..nk smbg crite yg dlu tuh,nurdict kini tidak ag kelihatan bersame ngn cik lit...kekadangg ble nurdict nie wanna having a chat with her cik lit,miss la nie slaloo interrupt tau,,,but surprisingly,mr lem wat dunno jerk...krenyer,dier xnmpk sgt la nk kontrol cik lit x pe la...nk wat camner kan...a friend is like will have it if the biscuit seems tasty,once bite,n you feel that the biscuit is not suite to ur taste but,then u'll throw it as simple as mean,nurdict is having a new wonderful life with colorful friend ..i don't think they form a group..but they happy together...know what..nurdict nie rase happy sgt sbb ad kwn mcm mr ko n mr no n x lpe gak kat lovely mr jo...hahaha lovely mr jo???ayoyoyoyo....huhu..then,mr no always said to nurdict that u r not alone dear,just stay cool n happy in ur life...u have us if u want somebody for u to share ur sadness n happiness..we are here for you...ak xska tgok ko dlm keadaan yg solemn nie,,,pliz get urself out from this kinda gloomy life k..have fun!!we know u can do it!!!that's the word that mr no always said to nurdict...if i were in nurdict's shoes...herm,i'll cry,since that incident,nurdict has her own lipe principle..know what???she always talk to herself that,stay cool,i'm not alone...n she happy in her life now..maybe she's getting crazy in ice lemon tea....wa...i want some nurdict!!!!huhu...

1 comment:

  1. yes i agree wit u!,we hve to be independent..indie!
    name pon da besar kan..kne la pandai2 sendiri..kte xbole selalu bgantung pade org lain.perkara itu akn mnyuSAHKAN ORANG LAIN,,bukan la nak pentingkan diri ..tapi itu hakikat sebenar kat dunia pancaROBA INI...
