the anxiousness of mine...

afraid of what actually???
anxiety actually is part of our life but don't let the it control ur mind,master ur life,yet u'll get nothing!!!all ur effort are nothing!!!useless!!well people said it is vain talk!!tp kan,gemuruh nie perlu gak..bole beri kter petnde bahawasanya kter kne prepare ourself more than we thought!sbb..dgn adenyer preparation yg ckup,kter dpt mengurangkan darah gemuruh kter...ap sbb kter gemuruh eyh???kekadang tuh sampai berpeluh tgn la...terketar sane la terketar sini la,,,as for me la kan...anxiety happen because
  • kurangnyer persiapan diri dalam melakukan sesuatu
  • kurang keyakinan diri
  • takut sgt per org len nk kate
  • tkt nk predict per nk jd in future (cause and effect la nie)
knp tetiber nurdict rase nk bercerita pasal anxiety nie eyh??sbbnyer,nurdict akn mndpt result xam ary kamis dpn,.,ag 1,debate,,ya,nurdict masuk debat tp dier still lack of self confident..nk kate nurdict nie pemalu??x gak..sbbnyer,kalo nk wat presentation dpn klas,dier mmg xdak prob..nk berckp ngn org pown dier mcm xdak prob gak tp knp dier ttp tkut??especially nk berdebat nie...uish,,,ketaq kaki la...
okay nurdict ad quote yg bole dikongsi tuk reduce the anxiety tuh,,
"Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere."  ~Glenn Turner~
yup!!kalo kter keep on being anxious in our life without doing something to reduce it or maybe to get rid of it,u'll never go anywhere..
"A day of worry is more exhausting than a day of work."  ~John Lubbock~
so people,here my advice to you..
  • prepare urself well b4 u wanna do something..
  • ala,,ignore jerk per org nk kate ttg dri kter(wat dunno jerk,says,ad ak kesah??huhu)
  • jgn sesekali memandang rndh akn kbolehan kter(kalo kter sndri pndg len mgkn ag rndh kowt?)
  • bykkn practice kalo kter ase kter krg dlm sst yg kter nk wat..(dbt cthnyer,,,huhu)
  • act urself alone ok...jgn dok pikir pasl bnde len..think something fun!!
  • focus on what u  aiming for..
ok,last word..kter tkut,gemuruh,bgos,tp jgn bg bnde tuh menguasai pemikiran kter...merane la ...suma bnde x leyh wat..asyik dok riso jerk...remember...
"Worry bankrupts the spirit."  ~Berri Clove~

~okay,i'm off~

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